Digie joins the Data Sharing Coalition

Sharing our digital identities, data management and cybersecurity expertise is what we love to do!

The Data Sharing Coalition is an open and growing, international initiative in which a large variety of organisations collaborate on unlocking the value of cross-sectoral data sharing. 
The initiative started in January 2020, after the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy invited the market to seek cooperation in pursuit of cross-sectoral data sharing. The Data Sharing Coalition, supported by the Ministry, started as a direct result. 

Our goal 
The Data Sharing Coalition aims to drive cross-sectoral data sharing, under control of the entitled party, by enabling interoperability between data sharing initiatives and strengthening individual initiatives.

Our principles 
The Data Sharing Coalition has determined the following six core principles that are leading when carrying out our activities and realising our objectives:

  • Be open and inclusive: Any interested party is welcome to participate in the Data Sharing Coalition
  • Deliver practical results: The Data Sharing Coalition will deliver functional frameworks and facilities that provide true value for all stakeholders of the data economy and that will help them accelerate in their data sharing context
  • Promote data sovereignty: The Data Sharing Coalition aims to enable the entitled party(ies) to control their data by including this as a requirement in the use cases and frameworks
  • Leverage existing building blocks: All Data Sharing Coalition frameworks and facilities will incorporate international open standards, technology and other existing facilities where possible
  • Utilise collective governance: All frameworks and facilities produced by the Data Sharing Coalition will be governed in a transparent, consensus-driven manner by a collective of all Data Sharing Coalition participants
  • Be ethical, societal, and compliant: All activities of the Data Sharing Coalition are in line with societal values and compliant with relevant legislation

For more information about our Data Sharing Coalition go to: www.datasharingcoalition.eu

© Digie

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