Due to the digitization and computerization of society, and the associated wishes and requirements, Rotterdam has decided to develop a Rotterdam Digital Infrastructure (RDI). In concrete terms, this means that Rotterdam is shaping its IT and information foundation in such a way that it can (continue to) guarantee reliable services in the future and is flexible enough to integrate, implement and scale new technologies. The afore mentioned digitization ensures more interaction via Rotterdam's digital channels and this requires a robust infrastructure that can facilitate the expected growth. One of the crucial elements of this Rotterdam Digital Infrastructure is the new vision on Identity & Access management (IAM) and the related projects. The IAM framework serves, in phase 1, as a basis for facilitating its own employees. In phase 2, Rotterdam wants to use the IAM framework to serve its citizens, companies and chain partners, and in phase 3, Rotterdam applies the framework in the context of Rotterdam Smart City and Internet of Things (access to devices and objects such as sensors).
Digie has formulated the IAM strategy for the City of Rotterdam and translated the strategy into a Project Initation Document and Project Start Architecture. We also created an unique identity for the project and introduced a project brandbook. The coming years we will work closely together with the IAM-team of the City of Rotterdam, Gartner and Deloitte to guarantee a successful IAM-implementation.